The aims and objects for which the society is established are as under:-
- Provide recreational, healthy sporting activities & habit like cycling, running, and other sports among common people.
- Aims to offer the opportunity to practice sports like cycling, running & other sports to increase health benefit and awareness among common people.
- Encourage sports like cycling, running and others as a lifelong activity for happy & healthy life.
- To form a Randonneurs Club for conducting long distances cycling under Audax India Randonneurs Club as per rules and regulation of Audax India.
- Sponsor social activities and create platform for cyclist / runners / sport persons to share experiences & contribute proactively.
- Organize sport competition, events and other related programs to spread sport culture & awareness among community.
- Mobilize financial resources to organize sport events, except donation in cash and kind for the same.
- Promote safe sporting conditions & culture in geographical location.
- Promote sports as routine in children, youth, and women, old age to stay healthy and happy.
- Advocate sport culture as part of everyday life & help government and other agencies to implement sport initiatives in public good.
- Create sport club, institutions and undertake activities through resource mobilization and program sponsorship.
- Help social causes, environment & other relief work through sports collectives to help poor and needy person as a charity.
- Help people to learn teamwork, acceptance & co-ordination among diverse cultural & ethnic groups, infuses discipline & value system through sports.