Club by-law.





2) ADDRESS                                        : –     Mr. Chandrashekhar N. Kulkarni

                                                                        Kulkarni Hospital, Rajapeth,

Amrvati. (M.S.) 444605

3) AIMS AND OBJECTS                   : –     The aims and objects for which the society 

                                                                        is established are as under:-

  1. Provide recreational, healthy sporting activities & habit like cycling, running, and other sports among common people.
  2. Aims to offer the opportunity to practice sports like cycling, running & other sports to increase health benefit and awareness among common people.
  3. Encourage sports like cycling, running and others as a lifelong activity for happy & healthy life.
  4. To form a Randonneurs Club for conducting long distances cycling under Audax India Randonneurs Club as per rules and regulation of Audax India.
  5. Sponsor social activities and create platform for cyclist / runners / sport persons to share experiences & contribute proactively.
  6. Organize sport competition, events and other related programs to spread sport culture & awareness among community.
  7. Mobilize financial resources to organize sport events, except donation in cash and kind for the same.
  8. Promote safe sporting conditions & culture in geographical location.
  9. Promote sports as routine in children, youth, and women, old age to stay healthy and happy.
  10. Advocate sport culture as part of everyday life & help government and other agencies to implement sport initiatives in public good.
  11. Create sport club, institutions and undertake activities through resource mobilization and program sponsorship.
  12. Help social causes, environment & other relief work through sports collectives to help poor and needy person as a charity.
  13. Help people to learn teamwork, acceptance & co-ordination among diverse cultural & ethnic groups, infuses discipline & value system through sports.

4. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE:- given separately in other section of website


                     We the following persons being desirous of forming into a society “AMRAVATI  CYCLING ASSOCIATION” Under the Societies Registration Act 1860 on the date ____________ and have subscribed our names to this Memorandum of Association.








1. ‘Society’ means           : – “AMRAVATI  CYCLING  ASSOCIATION ”

2. ‘President’ means        : – The president of “AMRAVATI  CYCLING  ASSOCIATION”

3. ‘Vice-President means’:- The Vice-President of  “AMRAVATI  CYCLING


4. ‘Secretary’ means        : – The Secretary of “AMRAVATI  CYCLING  ASSOCIATION

5. ‘Joint Secretary’ means: – The Joint-secretary of “AMRAVATI 


6. ‘Treasurer’ means         : – The Treasurer of “AMRAVATI   CYCLING


7.Public Relation Officer :-    The Public Relation Officer of “AMRAVATI 

CYCLING ASSOCIATION”                                             

7. ‘Member of Managing’   :- The Member of “AMRAVATI  CYCLING  


8. ‘Other Members means’: – Members of “AMRAVATI  CYCLING  ASSOCIATION”

II .JURIDICTION           :-   The Jurisdiction of society shall be throughout the  

                                                Maharashtra state only

 III. ACCOUNTING YEAR: – Accounting year will be 1st April to 31st March every Year


a) Any Indian citizen who is 18 and above can become a member of the society.

b) Application for membership in writing shall forward to the Executive Committee through the General Secretary.

c)  The executive Committee reserves to itself the right to reject any application for membership without assigning any reason thereof

PRESIDENT                         TREASURER                       SECRETARY                                                                                                                            


There shall two types of membership      a) Life Member       b) Ordinary Member

  1. All the founder members of the society shall be life member.
  1. Life member shall be one who pay Rs 1000/- in cash.
  1. Ordinary member shall be one who pays an annual subscription of Rs. 500/- to the society.


The annual subscriptions shall be payable in advance at the beginning of the financial year. Members joining in any part of the year shall be liable to pay subscription for the whole year, i.e. from 1st April to 31st March.


          The power and privileges of a member shall not be transferable and every member of the society shall cease to be member

  1. On his/her death
  • On tendering his/her resignation to the executive committee after paying all the dues to the society.
  • If an extraordinary resolution of the society passed in a general meeting by 2/3rd majority present and voting determines that the membership shall cease. However before passing such resolution the member concerned shall be given opportunity to show cause why the resolution should not passed.


  1. General body shall consist of all the life and Ordinary member of the Society.
  • The General body shall be supreme and it shall elect at annual General meeting an Executive Committee consisting of the following office bearers.
  • The President
  • Three vice- President
  • The honorary General Secretary
  • The Joint Secretary
  • The Honorary Treasurer
  • Public Relation Officer
  • Three Executive Member

It shall delegate the management of the day to day affairs of the society to this Executive Committee.

  • General body shall make the policy of the society
  • General Body shall nominate a returning officer to conduct the election for Executive


  • General body can bring notice of no confidence on any individual member of Executive      Committee.
  • No confidence motion can pass by not less than 2/3rd majority of the general body.


  1. There shall be Executive Committee of the Society which will work on behalf

of the General Body to fulfill the aims and objectives of the society.

b) There shall be seven members in the executive Committee.

       i)    The President         –          1,

      ii)    Vice- President        –        1,

     iii)    General Secretary –           1,

     iv)    Joint- Secretary –               1

      v)    Treasurer         –                 1

     vi)    Executive Members –        2

c) Member of Executive Committee must be life member of the society.

d) Retiring member of the Executive Committee are eligible to reelection.

e) Election for Executive Committee shall take place in every five year.

f) Election shall be decided by all the members of the society by majority.

g) The executive committee shall meet at least three times each year.

h) At all meeting of the executive Committee the President shall take the chair and in his

     absence Vice-President shall take the chair. In the absence of both the Executive Committee may elect one of its members as a chairman of the meeting.

i) The Executive committee shall take all day to day decision regarding functioning of the

     society on behalf of General Body.

j) The Executive Committee shall appoint staff to fulfill the aims and objectives of the  


k) The staff appointed by the executive Committee shall be paid by the society as an employee of  the society.

l) The executive committee shall make rules and regulation for the employees of the society.

m) Member of the society cannot become an employee of the society. But work on reasonable     


n)  The society may pay honorarium to any member who gives his/her services on full time or  

      part time basis. The amount to be paid shall decided by the Executive Committee.      

o) There shall be minimum five members present for any meeting of the executive committee.

p) Any casual Vacancies in the Executive Committee shall filed up by General Body in Annual

    General Meeting.


a) President         : –    The President shall be constitutional head of the society.

 i) It shall be duty of the President, and in his absence Vice- President to preside at all meeting of the Society, and to perform such other duties as originally pertain to his office.

ii) The society may sue or be sued in the name of the President.

iii) The President shall be the authorized person to interpret the Rules and Regulation of the Society.

b) Vice-President   :-   It shall be duty of Vice-president to assist the president and to

                                      Perform all power and duties in his absent.

c)  The honorary general secretary:-

  1. It shall be duty of Honorary General Secretary to carry on the management and correspondent as well as reply to all urgent communication with the sanction of the president.
  2. The Secretary shall call the meeting of General Body or Executive Committee whenever required with the sanction of the president.
  3. The secretary shall issue all circular and notices to members of the society
  4. The Honorary General Secretary shall submit a report of work done to the Executive Committee before the Annual General Meeting.
  5. The Honorary General Secretary shall record minutes of each meeting and have them confirmed and signed by the chairman at the next meeting.

d) The joint secretary       : –   The Joint Secretary shall perform the duties and power of

                                             Honorary General Secretary in his absence and to assist     

                                             him in regular work.

e)  Treasurer                      : –   It shall be the duty of the Honorary Treasurer to have      

                                                   Custody of all the funds, accounting for the same to the     

                                                   Society of its Annual General meeting and of any other  

                                                   time upon demand  by the Executive Committee.

f) Public Relation Officer: – It shall be the duty of Public Relation Officer to maintain

   (PRO)                                  good relation and communicate the development about  


g) Executive Member       : – To attend and vote in the meeting of Executive Committee.

XI. GENERAL BODY MEETING: – General meeting of the society may be ordinary

                                                                or extra ordinary.

  1. Notice for the meeting of General Body will be served 10 days earlier by post or by notice book with the signature of the President.
  2. Notice must reflect date, time place and agenda of the meetings.
  3. The quorum for the meeting will be 2/3rd of the total members.
  4. Any adjourned meeting due to lack of quorum shall be held at the same place after half an hour on the same day.


  • No Quorum is required for the adjourned meeting, but notice must reflect such information.
  • The Annual general meeting of the society shall be held once in a every year and not more than fifteen months after the preceding Annual General Meeting.

  The business of Annual General Meeting shall be.

  1. To receive and adopt the Audited Statement of accounts and the report of the Executive Committee on the working of the society for the preceding year.
  2. To elect office bearers of the society.
  3. To appoint, an auditor or auditors for the ensuring year and to fix their remuneration.
  4. To transact such other business as may be brought forward by the Committee, or any other business that may be permitted by the chairman of which seven days notice has been given in writing.
  5. A copy of balance Sheet together with a copy of the auditor’s Report to be considered at the Annual General Meeting shall be kept in the office of the society for inspection for a period of ten days before the meeting. Any member desiring to inspect the same may do so during office hours.


  1. An extra ordinary meeting of General Body can be called as and when required.
  2. Agenda will be discussed only for which the meeting was called for 15 days notice is necessary.
  3. Notice should be given by post or by notice book with the signature of President.
  4. Quorum will be 3/5(Three fifth)of the total of the total members of the general Body adjourned meeting shall not require quorum.
  5. Adjourned meeting will be held after half an hour at the same place on the same day. Notice must reflect such information.
  6. Extra ordinary General Meeting can discuss on the subjects of change in name objects amalgamation and dissolution.


  1. At least 3 meeting will be held within a year of Executive Committee.
  2. The notice of the Meeting be served 7 days in advance by post or by notice book with the signature of the President. Notice must reflect the date, time, place and agenda of the meeting.
  3. Quorum required is 2/3rd of the total members of Executive Committee.
  4. No quorum is required for adjourned meeting and such meeting will be held after half an hour at the same place on the same day. Notice must reflect such information.



  1. A requisition meeting will be held with the requisition of members of Executive Committee.
  2. Three days prior notice is required for calling such requisition. Discussion in such meetings shall be limited to the agenda stated in the notice of such requisition meeting.
  3. Quorum of such meeting shall 3/5(Three fifth) of the managing Committee. Meeting shall be adjourned for want of quorum and such adjourned meeting shall take place after half an hour at the same place and same date no quorum is required for such adjourned meeting. But notice must reflect such information.
  4. If the President does not call the meeting, the members who requisite the meeting can issue the notice with 2 members’ signature and any one of them can preside over the meeting. Resolutions passed in the meeting must be accepted by the Executive Committee.


  1. For discussion on emergency subjects, emergency meeting shall be called with 2 days notice. Such notice must reflect agenda, time, place, and date of meeting.
  2. Quorum shall be 3/5 of Executive Committee members. For want of quorum, meeting shall be adjourned and after an hour at the same place and date emergency meeting shall take place. No quorum shall be necessary for such adjourned meeting but notice must reflect such information.


     The members shall be informed personally and their signatures shall be taken notice book or obtain postal acknowledgement. The notice of emergency meeting shall be given in writing.


The Executive Committee can appoint any number of sub-committee for specific event or function to fulfill the aims and objectives of the society.


a) The funds of the society shall consist of

  1. Subscription from members.
  2. Donations in cash and Kind, Grants and bequests.
  3. Any collection, made by the executive Committee by means of any functions or special appeals organized for the purpose.

b) The funds of the Society may be invested in government securities or deposited in such a bank or banks as may be decided by the Executive Committee and it shall be used to achieve the aims & objectives of the society.

c) The income or funds to the society will be utilized for the purpose or objectives of the society. The society was not set up for profit.



The bank account of the society shall be joint account on the name of the society the bank accounts can operate by minimum two office bearer. Treasurer signature is mandatory and other signature can be sign by either the president or secretary.


All the time of seeking financial borrowing from any trustee/Bank or any person prior permission from the joint Charity Commissioner Amravati must be obtained.


Society can purchase any kind of immovable and movable property. At the time of sale of immovable property the resolution passed by the Executive Committee by the majority and after that the society shall take necessary prior permission from the joint Charity Commissioner, Amravati for the sale of immovable property.


  1. List of members as required under section 15 of the Societies Registration Act 1860 shall be maintained in the schedule and prescribed under rule 15 of the Societies Registration (Maharashtra) rules, 1971.
    1. List of members of the Executive Committee will be sent to the Registrar of the Societies, Amravati as required under Societies Registration (Maharashtra) Rules 1971 under schedule I in Rule 7.
    1. List of the staff of the society will be sent to the Registrar of the Societies, Amravati as required under rule 4(A) of Societies Registration Act.1860 and as required Under schedule 2 in Rule 8 of Societies Registration (Maharashtra) Rules 1971.  


If the society wants to make amendments to Memorandum of Association or to Rules and Regulation then the report of proposed amendments shall have been delivered or send by post, to every member of the society. Ten days period of a special meeting conveyed by the Executive Committee for the consideration. Then it must be agreed to by three fifth of the delivered in person or by members proxy, and confirmed by the members present at a second special meeting, convey by the Executive Committee of an interval of one month after the former meeting.


If the work of this Society needs to be stopped or dissolved, the remaining property can be donated to another society by completing the debts of the society at that time with a majority of three-fifths of the members in the general meeting. For this, action will be taken as per provisions laid down in section 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860, or in case of dissolution of society (DISHA Amravati) the assets of society will be transferred to other society with similar objectives.


XXV. All the provisions under all the sections of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 shall apply to this society.


Taking into consideration the functions and activities of the Association financial powers as shown against each of functionary are delegated.

  1. Executive Committee :-

The Executive Committee shall have the power to sanction the expenditure.

  1. President / Treasurer :-

To sanction on expenditure not exceeding  Rs. 5000/- as and when required than above.

  1. Secretary :-

Payment approval by the Executive Committee and to sanction an expenditure not exceeding Rs. 1000/- as and when required

  1. More expenditure :

More than above when required Executive Committee shall have the power to sanction the expenditure by passing resolution.


            100% Expenses main objects of the society.


This society will never be abolished once it comes into existence and is therefore an irreversible society. Also, the assets transferred to this society will not be under the control and authority of the doer or the executive board or any one of the trustees. Therefore, it cannot be changed.

XXVIII. THE BENEFICIARIES OF THE SOCIETY ARE NOT SPECIFIC INDIVIDUALS BUT THE GENERAL PUBLIC : The beneficiaries of the society are not any specific individuals but the general public

Here bylaws of club will appear